Oh, how glorious it is to not be pregnant anymore! Even though I had a healthy and easy pregnancy, it still was uncomfortable. Trying to ease the discomfort comes with a price tag, and I would love to  point you in the right directions! If you’re a little earlier in your pregnancy, you can check out my previous posts  Maternity Must Haves (1st Trimester) and Maternity Must Haves (2nd Trimester) along with this post to see what I continued using until “the end.” Also, if you haven’t read my birth story and messy start to motherhood, you can check it out here.

To Buy: The Snoogle


I mentioned in my first trimester favorite that I was already sleeping with a pregnancy pillow to start training my body to sleep on it’s side (look up dangers and  concerns of sleep positions!) But I wanted to truly see if my splurge was worth recommending, and it totally is. It was (and has been) my source of peace and joy as I crawled by aching, swollen body into bed! I ordered this shape to keep me from rolling onto my back or stomach, along with a dark grey (super soft) cover to match our room (and maybe hide my drool in the morning from sleeping so dang good.) I am still using this amazing pillow to add support to my knees, and use in the middle of the night for nursing the little one.

The Snoogle Pillow (Amazon) // Dark Grey Cover (Amazon)


To Buy: A Diaper Bag


If you’re registering for one, or simply buying one, do research! You’re going to have to stare at this bag as a reminder that your baby will arrive at any moment, and then it will be your life source as soon as you leave that hospital. I adore this bag from Amazon! Even though I did not see it in person before registering it, I had seen enough in person to know what would fit our need. A backpack style to keep both arms and hands free, black to hide the inevitable dog hair, a million pockets for my OCD, a changing pad included because I’m cheap, and an easily accessed front pocket for my wallet, cell, hand sanitizer and chap stick.

Diaper Backpack By Moskka

To Buy: Oversized Shirts


I mention this later, but instead of purchasing a ton of uncomfortable maternity tops, I invested in comfortable, loose (normal people) tops that would both hide a flabby recovering tummy and make breastfeeding easy. My favorite brand has been Free People! Some of my favorite discounted pieces have come from Marshall’s and Nordstrom Rack.

Some favorite styles: Tee, long sleeve, and tank


To Do: Build A Nursery

Building Anakin’s Star Wars room was one of my favorite ways to feel connected to people back home and pray over his arrival. From building the furniture, to washing all of his clothes, it made me even more excited to meet him! My favorite pieces have been from Target, Babies R Us, or thrifted!

You Already Have: A Robe


This robe was so comfortable to wear in the hospital! Even if you don’t need easy access for breastfeeding, your baby should be skin to skin often to regulate their body temperature. Just try to find one long enough to cover up your bum, because you will not want to wear pants for a while (if ever again.)

To Consider: Postpartum

First off, if the thought of childbirth scares you… click away, because postpartum is where the real terror is at. I will make separate posts for breastfeeding and pumping, but here are things to consider getting BEFORE you leave the hospital if you plan on a vaginal birth.

Stool softener – what a buzzfeed article described as “ass-glass” is all I can say to try and explain how excruciating horrible pooping after baby is for weeks. Some advice, DON’T HOLD IT, breathe, relax, pray, and just cry those glass shards out.

Coffee – I am BLESSED to have an extremely sleepy baby, but the stress of “is he breathing?” will wake you up a thousand times before he actually cries for you. Coffee has been a great way to refresh and have “me time” before Anakin wakes up in the morning. Even if I have to microwave it three times, and I haven’t washed my hair in a week… coffee makes me feel like the world’s best mom and hottest wife.

Overnight pads or adult diapers – this is one of the cruel jokes of pregnancy. You expect to go nine months without your period, but in reality, you’re going to be bleeding more than all of your periods combined. Don’t be alarmed if it looks like you shed an organ or two… it’s normal

Swaddles w/ velcro – I didn’t want to include any baby items, since I will do a newborn post… but this is more for mom anyways. I am a lover of all swaddles for different reasons, but the kind that velcro together are amazing to keep hulk babies happy and momma sane during the night. Muslin swaddles are great for pediatrician visits or as a cover for nursing in public.

A journal or planner – breastfed or formula mommas will need to keep track of feeding times and what kind of diapers were happening at what times. There are apps available for this, but if your partner or support is helping, it’s better to have a community place to stay on the same page (literally.)

Dog Bones – If you’re a dog momma, you’re going to want toys around that do not resemble baby toys (such as ropes or kongs). At least get some bones if you are expecting any visitors that may overwhelm your pups. Ours will take their bones and go to their happy place. Happy guests, happy parents, happy pups.

From Previous MUST HAVES:

What I still use from the 1st Trimester: Water bottles, flagrance oil (in place of perfume,) and Target maternity leggings.

What I’ve traded from the 1st Trimester: I’ve traded the ginger tea and mints in for an iced chai tea with almond milk in the morning and heartburn tablets at night. I’ve also traded the room freshener for diffused oils and belly lotion for coconut oil (as vegan alternative).

What I still use from the 2nd Trimester: Juice Beauty CC cream, First Aid Beauty Lip Therapy, oil diffuser, Doterra oils, Passion Planner, thank you cards, maternity jeans, growth images (#growingmcclung,)

What I’ve traded from the 2nd Trimester: Parenthood (Netflix) for Baby Daddy (Netflix) and Jane The Virgin season 3 (Netflix)

Maternity T- Shirts – you’re never going to want to wear these again. Don’t let the pretty happy models or insta-moms fool you, wearing tight shirts are so uncomfortable, especially around the armpit.

 Belly Bands – the idea is amazing, and maybe it was just my body type (AKA: huge) but this was a waste of money for me.


I hope you found any of this helpful! If you end up loving any of these items, let me know in the comments below!



  1. This is a fantastic list. I like the idea of using over sized t-shirts. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be great shirts to sleep in too šŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing! ā€“ Em

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