Brutal Truths About Breastfeeding

Brutal Truths About Breastfeeding

For some reason every time I went to publish a post on breastfeeding - it never made it past my drafts. I am not an expert, lactation consultant, postpartum nurse,  pediatrician, or anything worthy of giving medical advice - but I am a mom who has personally nursed multiple times and for YEARS... some of [...]

5 Ways To Help An Infant Transition With A Deployed Parent

5 Ways To Help An Infant Transition With A Deployed Parent

  We are now a few weeks into this deployment and I am surprisingly surviving. Even when my husband first mentioned joining the military, all I imagined was raising babies alone. That sounded awful. Welp - here I am! Raising those babies alone, and guess what... IT'S NOT AWFUL! I am actually enjoying the extra [...]

What She Really Wants For Mother’s Day + $100 Giveaway

What She Really Wants For Mother’s Day + $100 Giveaway

This post is in collaboration with JORD Watches My first real mother's day is coming up... It won't be the first celebrated - my dogs (AKA my husband) have gotten me cards for years and last year I was pregnant... but this is my first real mother's day of having my heart live outside of my body. [...]



If you've wandered to this blog post, it is most likely because you or someone you love is expecting... CONGRATULATIONS! Pregnancy is an exciting time to prepare for a new family member, and if you're like me, you searched high and low to make things perfect. As much as I love sharing products, it is [...]